Reed Beidler - Building Manager, Have Dreams Evanston Site

What is your connection to Have Dreams: I’m the building manager for Have Dreams in Evanston.

How has Have Dreams impacted you? I've been involved with the building where Have Dreams has their Evanston Headquarters for 30 years. There are no two businesses here that are alike, and they tend to be unique and special businesses. About 10 years ago, Have Dreams came in looking for space in Evanston. I looked at a drawing of the space and said, well, this is the way it is now, but if we do some work, this can be the kind of space we think you need. I’ve enjoyed watching their work evolve and grow over the past decade.

Here within the building, it’s a community. The most special benefit is one of our tenants here is a commercial bakery. The owner became interested, and made a commitment, to really see if there was a way to integrate with what Have Dreams does, as far as their training and mainstreaming of adolescents with autism into her business. It's fun to see, and it works for both of them. I’m proud to be a part of a community that helps each other like this.

In the 10 years that I've been involved, I've never not known the need of Have Dreams to be greater than what was available. So, if I could do something to help and move the ball forward, even a little bit, I get gratification from it, I think anyone else would, too. I would encourage anyone who thinks a little creatively about what they can do to help Have Dreams to get involved and help them.


We’re Week of the Website of the Website, a project-management first design processes that helps our clients create beautiful websites on Squarespace in an efficient period of time. We’ve been around since 2014 and we’re based in Chicago.

Geneva Danko - Partner, Have Dreams Academy at Northwestern