Donate to Make a Difference
Your gift today brings invaluable opportunities and resources for the kids, teens and adults with autism and their families supported through Have Dreams!
Have Dreams does not receive government support, so it is YOUR DONATION that helps us reduce social isolation and ensures our participants live healthy, productive and meaningful lives.
There are many ways to give: Online, monthly, by check, through a Donor Advised Fund, through your time and expertise, to name a few!
Learn how you can make a difference in a way that is meaningful for you by clicking here.
Have Dreams is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We do not receive government funding for programming and rely on individual donors and foundation giving to fund outreach and program
Your generosity helps us reduce social isolation and ensures our participants live healthy, productive and meaningful lives.
Have Dreams kindly accepts offline contributions. Donors wishing to donate by check, may kindly make their check out to Have Dreams and mail them to:
Have Dreams
515 Busse Highway, Suite 150
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Attn: Bobbi Goldman
Have Dreams is a 501(c)(3) organization. Have Dreams' EIN (tax id) is 36-4078008
Thank you for your support.
Have Dreams respects the privacy of our donors. We maintain the following policies to assure our donors that their personal information will be protected and will not be shared with any third party. To view our Donor Privacy Policy, click here.