Planned or Legacy Giving

Please reach out to Bobbi Frazes Goldman at or 847-685-0250 x112 with any questions.

Donor Advised Funds

A donor advised fund (DAF) can serve as a charitable investment account for which you, as the donor, can recommend grants or donations to support IRS qualified charitable organizations that are meaningful to you. In most cases, a donor is eligible to take an immediate tax deduction when contributing cash, securities or other assets to a DAF, as these funds are able to be invested for tax-free giving.

Consider donating to Have Dreams through a Donor Advised Fund.

  1. If you already have a Donor Advised Fund, designate Have Dreams as the charity recipient of your DAF donation, and the amount of funds you wish to donate to Have Dreams through your Donor Advised Fund.

  2. If you wish to set up a Donor Advised Fund, contact your financial advisor, a financial services agency or inquire with your company about setting up a DAF for charitable giving.

  3. Giving through Donor Advised Funds can be named gifting or anonymous.

IRA Charitable Rollover (Qualified Charitable Distribution-QCD)

The qualified charitable distribution is an important tool that lets donors age 70 ½ or older help charities of their choice and reduce tax burden in two ways: Lower their taxable income and reduce the required minimum distributions (RMDs) that can increase their income.

You can search here to verify Have Dreams (EIN 36-4078008) as an IRS qualified tax-exempt organization.

  • A qualified charitable distribution (QCD) is a tax-free donation from your individual retirement account (IRA) to a qualified charity [1]

  • You must be age 70 ½ or older to make a qualified charitable distribution.  [1]

  • A qualified charitable distribution is not included in your taxable income. [2]

  • You can’t deduct a QCD from your taxes, but the savings on your income may still make this kind of donation a tax-savvy move.  [1]

  • A qualified charitable distribution counts toward your required minimum distributions. (RMDs). [3]

Source: Investopedia: Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD): What It Is, How It Lowers Your Taxes

Stock Donations

Donations of appreciated stock can benefit both Have Dreams and the donor.  Stock donations save the donor on capital gains and income taxes, and can provide a contribution of greater value to the charity recipient than if the donor was to sell the stock, pay taxes on the stock sale, and donate cash to the charity.

To make a stock donation to Have Dreams, contact:
Cathy McCarthy, Director of Finance at Have Dreams